03:57AM, August 4, 2012

New filmclip - "There's Nothing Here And It Screams"

Bam! We've just (fukkin finally) finished our new filmclip for the track, "There's Nothing Here And It Screams". You can check it out below!

Big thanks to SharpFX for helping out with the gore, and everyone that helped with the filming, food and mopping up involved.

09:53AM, July 23, 2012

IO reviewed at ThisIsNotAScene

So, we're in the lead up to the UK/EU release of IO on August 8, and ThisIsNotAScene have been kind enough to do a review of the album. Check it out here.

"IO by dropbunny is unlike anything I’ve heard in a long time. It’s harsh, heavy, intelligent, ever changing and unsettling; they certainly won’t go easy on you."


In other news, our new filmclip for "There's Nothing Here And It Screams" is coming along swimmingly, and is as horrifying and bizarre as you'd want. We expect to have it out in about a week if all goes to plan.

Be lucky!

01:26AM, July 21, 2012

We Want To Stalk Your Friends

OK! So in the interest of MOAR WEIRDNESS, we've set up a thing where you can nominate "friends", to whom we'll send bizarro postcards. Click Here for more info!

04:23PM, July 8, 2012

"Irredeemably Fucked" to appear on Blunt Magazine compilation

Thanks to everyone who came down to The Prague last night, it was a really great response and we had a blast. Huzzah!

We've just found out that the track "Irredeemably Fucked" is going to appear on a Blunt Magazine compilation CD, which comes free with the August copy of the mag. Rawk!

So check it out if you feel like it, and we'll catch you at a show soon!

01:05PM, June 4, 2012

dropbunny release their first videogame

oh yes we did! When we first started writing IO, there were a helluva lot of midi files being sent back and forth between the band members...someone would score a section in Sibelius or something, then send it around for others to learn/modify. However, midi versions of metal songs sound hilariously fucking retarded, like some demented NES game trying to terrify you. So, inevitably, we decided a) we need to share these stupid midis with everyone, and b) we should put them in a demented game that tries to terrify you.

So there you go! The game comes with both digital and physical copies of the IO album, and it's also available on dropbunny.com.

You can give the game a burl here. Enjoy!

00:56PM, June 4, 2012

Whoa, new website!

So, we've updated the db website, to belatedly commemorate the release of our new album, IO. As we're musicians and not occasional web-developers, the new website may cause your computer to explode, leak algae, or otherwise behave bizarrely. If so, please let us know at info@dropbunny.com so we can try to fix it!

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